Welcome to the Uplake Neighborhood Association website!
Uplake, located at the northernmost tip of Lake Washington, in Kenmore, Washington, is a neighborhood of some 500 homes built mostly in the mid to late 1950s, starting in 1953. The Association was chartered in 1956. We have monthly board meetings, annual membership and election meetings, and special events throughout the year, announced here, via our email list, and in the quarterly newsletter.
Here, we have neighborhood information and history in the Reference section, a photo gallery, and keep an eye on the Events page for upcoming meetings and activities. Maybe you can come to a meeting sometime!
New photos in the Gallery
A neighbour got photos of the bobcat family living out on the western edge of the neighbourhood!
Summer 2022 Newsletter Uploaded
The Summer 2022 newsletter has been posted in the Newsletters section. Please send in more items for the newsletter, particularly new neighbours, graduations – you know, stuff like that. Thanks!
Spring 2022 Newsletter Uploaded
The newsletter has a new editor and the Spring 2022 issue is up in the Newsletters section!
Events page updated
Several new events added to the Events page, including outdoor movie nights, the new Kenmore farmer’s market, and the Kids Concert.